Your Gift Counts!

Dear Beloved,

We that pray you and your loved ones will have a wonderful Christmas Holiday Season and that Jesus would be exalted in every area of your life.
As we draw close to the end of 2016 and look forward to the beginning of a new year, I ask if you would consider making an end-of-year, tax-deductible gift to the New Life Dream Center.  
Although the Lord has been faithfully sustaining us, we are growing in numbers so the need is greater than ever.


During the year I have not asked the congregation to financially support the program, but it would be a blessing to our students if you would use this opportunity to sow good seed in good soil.
You can give your tax-deductible donation by:
Going to our website 
Call Annette at 239-274-888


Michele and I appreciate your heart of giving to help support this program that has restored so many lives.
With much love and abundant blessings,
Pastor Gaspar & Michele